Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Asthma Treatment

Lung and asthmaNew Injectable Asthma Medicine

Asthma is the number one killer diseases around the world. Around 300 million people around the world have this diseases. After long research the steroid based inhaler was first introduced by world's top ranking medicine company GlaxoSmithKline in 1969. It was introduced first as a ventolin inhaler.

Inhaler helps to clean airways to transmit air into lung. When people get severe attack of asthma then inhaler is the only one medicine who can reliefs people from killer diseases asthma. It is passing around 45 years. No developed medicine is created yet to treat asthma. But it is a great news that new inject-able asthma medicine is invented by the medicine company GlaxoSmithKline.

The new medicine called IL-5 have tested already on doctors. It got good result. It is still waiting to get regulatory permission. But the problem is that it would not arrive to common people soon. Because of its price. Yearly cost is $15000.

However it is expected the price will be down when its rival likes Roche, AstraZeneca,Teva.and Sanofi will come ahead to compete to produce this new ashtma medicine. Read more from Reuters.

To read asthma triggers you may go here 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Aircraft Design Research work and Asthma Treatment

How Aircraft Design Works Contribute to Treat Asthma 
When scientist and medicine researchers have been trying to invent new technology for better treatment for asthma patient then another technology which is fully different sector from diseases control has found a great way to treat asthma patient. Yes it is air craft technology.

Computational Fluid Dynamics of CFD technology is used to develop aircraft building physical models and testing in air tunnels.  However this technology can also be applied to treat a variety of diseases such as cystic fibrosis, asthma, sleep apnea and snoring.

“Surgery is sometimes based on experience-based intuition, and it’s not always guaranteed that the end result will be effective,” says Dr.Gutmark. “CFD is another tool to provide surgeons with more quantitative information about the possible outcome during the planning of a surgical procedure.”Read full story

Friday, March 7, 2014

Asthma Medications

Asthma medications is one of the largest search volumes among asthma patients, asthma doctors, medical scientist, researchers nurses and others around the world. Around 25 million people has  asthma in the United States of America. So, half of the total search come from the USA.